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by evcfadmin Sep 13, 2023

Exciting News! Our Executive Director is all set to make waves at the Mobile Healthcare Association Annual Conference!

👨‍💼 We’re thrilled to announce that our very own Melina is representing Eagle Valley Community Foundation and MIRA at the upcoming Mobile Healthcare Association Conference. Melina is joined by Vail Health NP Kyler to present on the partnership between the ...
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by evcfadmin Sep 11, 2023

Eagle Valley Community Foundation quiere que te unas al movimiento para acabar con el hambre

La red nacional de bancos de alimentos Feeding America se une este mes de septiembre para lanzar el Mes de Acción contra el Hambre, una campaña de un mes de duración diseñada para suscitar conversaciones significativas y encender la pasión ...
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by evcfadmin Sep 11, 2023

Eagle Valley Community Foundation wants you to join the movement to end hunger

The Feeding America nationwide network of food banks is rallying together this September to launch Hunger Action Month, a month-long campaign designed to spark meaningful conversations and ignite passion for addressing the issue of hunger. Leading the local charge is ...
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EVCF Success Awards Vail Valley
by evcfadmin May 17, 2023

Los Premios al Éxito de Vail Valley Partnership celebran la empresa y la comunidad

  Los galardonados proceden de organizaciones grandes y pequeñas Noticias NOTICIAS | 17 de mayo de 2023 Scott Miller Vail Valley Partnership, la cámara de comercio del valle, celebra cada año lo mejor de la comunidad empresarial local con ...
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EVCF Success Awards Vail Valley
by evcfadmin May 17, 2023

Vail Valley Partnership’s Success Awards celebrate business and community

  Award winners are from organizations big and small News NEWS | May 17, 2023 Scott Miller The Vail Valley Partnership, the valley’s chamber of commerce, every year celebrates the best of the local business community with its success awards. The ...
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Elevar Social Impact Fund
by evcfadmin Apr 26, 2023

La Eagle Valley Community Foundation lanza un fondo para apoyar a los líderes latinos emergentes

Noticias NOTICIAS | 26 de abril de 2023 Eagle Valley Community Foundation anunció recientemente el lanzamiento de un fondo de liderazgo e impacto social, Elevar, para proporcionar un apoyo continuo a los líderes latinos emergentes que han pasado por otros ...
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