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Powering collective action to meet local needs.

We are a unique community foundation, providing responsive solutions for our neighbors in need. We address food insecurity, provide health & wellness resources, support nonprofit capacity building and help build community leadership among people of color. We empower individuals and families to gain a hand up, not a hand out.

For many, our picturesque county is also a picture of soaring costs and the inability to make ends meet. Many in our community rely on our programs to help fill the gaps in their lives when they need it most. 

Offering barrier-free access to vital health resources.

MIRA Mobile Van

Providing access to free, nutrient-rich food across the county.

Supporting leadership capacity building for people of color.

Elevar - business owner

Help change the trajectory of someone’s life in the Eagle Valley.

  • Stories of Impact

    “The partnership with The Community Market is a total game changer. The whole team is super supportive and we are so grateful not only for our food program but for all those in our community, including our families, who access our programs.”– Whitney Young, Executive Director of the Family Learning Center

    Read the story >
  • Stories of Impact

    “The Community Market fed me and my daughter, without asking questions or judging us. They just welcomed me and supported me when I needed it most. Now, I’ve found a way to give back to this organization that changed my life.” – Hayde, Owner, Plentiful Roots

    Read my story >
  • Stories of Impact

    “The community really trusts the people who work and volunteer on the MIRA bus. We are able to take some of the services that are offered at clinics and hospitals and bring them to the community, to people’s homes who might not otherwise be able to access care. Most of the patients we see don’t have insurance, so helping them to navigate the system and provide basic health screenings is critical to their health and wellness.” – Kyler Hijmans, Nurse Practitioner

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The Latest News & Events

Make Your School Break Meaningful: Volunteer with The Community Market!

Looking for a fun and rewarding way to make a difference this school break? Join us at The Community Market and help support families in need across our community! Whether you’re looking for a chance to bond with your family ...
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MIRA is OPEN via phone, email, or message

The MIRA bus will NOT be out in the community; however, the MIRA team will be available to answer questions on TODAY via email, phone, or social media.  Phone: 970-688-0001 Email: Facebook: @MIRABus1
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MIRA is OPEN via phone, email, or message

The MIRA bus will NOT be out in the community; however, the MIRA team will be available to answer questions on TODAY via email, phone, or social media.  Phone: 970-688-0001 Email: Facebook: @MIRABus1
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Follow Us @eaglevalleycf

🤘 A huge thank you to Heaven Hill Brands  for volunteering your time and energy at EVCF's food pantry, 🍎The Community Market🍎 in the Vail Valley! 🙏 Your team's support helps us provide much-needed resources to our neighbors in need. CHEERS!

@heavenhillbrands  #GiveBack #VolunteerNow @Eagle Valley Community Foundation @eaglevalleycf  #TCM #EVCF 
🤘 ¡Un enorme agradecimiento a Heaven Hill Brands por ofrecer su tiempo y energía como voluntarios en la despensa de alimentos de EVCF, 🍎 The Community Market 🍎 en el Valle de Vail! 🙏 El apoyo de su equipo nos ayuda a proporcionar recursos muy necesarios a nuestros vecinos. ¡SALUD!
📅 Mark your Calendar!

We're celebrating Eagle County Gives Non-Profits and counting down to Colorado Gives Day with an unforgettable evening full of connection, fun, and all the gratitude! 🌟

🌟 A huge THANK YOU to Colorado Mountain College Vail Valley, Little Bird Creative Community, and FirstBank for their generous support in making this event possible.

🗓️ When: Thursday, December 5 from 5-8 PM 
📍 Where: Colorado Mountain College 

🎶 What’s in store?
🍹 1 FREE Drink Ticket
🍴 Delicious Dinner Buffet from Little Bird Creative Kitchen 
🎵 Live Music
✨ Learn about the amazing work of Eagle County Non-Profits and how you can get involved!

Bring your family, friends, and neighbors—let’s celebrate our community! 💚#EagleCountyGives #ColoradoGivesDay #supportlocalnonprofits @littlebirdcommissarykitchen #EVCF #TCM #MIRA @eaglevalleycf 

📅 ¡Marca tu calendario!

¡Estamos celebrando a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro de Eagle County y contando los días para el Colorado Gives Day con una noche inolvidable llena de conexión, diversión y mucha gratitud! 🌟

🌟 ¡Un enorme GRACIAS a Colorado Mountain College Vail Valley, Little Bird Creative Community y FirstBank por su generoso apoyo para hacer posible este evento!

🗓️ Cuándo: Jueves, 5 de diciembre, de 5 a 8 p.m.
📍 Dónde: Colorado Mountain College

🎶 ¿Qué te espera?
🍴 Delicioso bufé de cena de Little Bird Creative Kitchen
🎵 Música en vivo
✨ ¡Conoce el increíble trabajo de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro de Eagle County y cómo puedes involucrarte!

¡Trae a tu familia, amigos y vecinos—celebremos nuestra comunidad! 💚
🙏 Our endless appreciation to our dear friends at Eagle River Presbyterian Church for your ongoing commitment to nourishing our neighbors in need❣️ Bless your hearts❤️🍎❤️
🙏Nuestro agradecimiento infinito a nuestros queridos amigos de la Iglesia Presbiteriana Eagle River por su compromiso continuo de nutrir a nuestros vecinos necesitados❣️ Bendice tus corazones❤️🍎❤️

@eagleriverpresbyterianchurch  #EagleRiveerPResbyterianChurch #TCM #TheCommunityMarketCO #GiveBack #VolunteerToday
Words in Action! 🚴‍♀️ 

🙏🙏Thank you The Cycle Effect  for 🚴‍♀️ pedaling forward with purpose and riding alongside us to support, uplift, and strengthen our community through meaningful action. Every pedal stroke matters when we unite to make a difference. ‼Keep riding strong‼

@thecycleeffect #PedalForward #CommunityAction #StrongerTogether #MakeADifference #thecycleeffect #EVCF #TCM Eagle Valley Community Foundation  @eaglevalleycf The Community Market @tcmthecommunitymarket
🛍️🛒💖 This Small Business Saturday, let’s celebrate more than just the local shops and services that make our community unique— let’s also recognize the incredible impact they have on the work of nonprofits like Eagle Valley Community Foundation.💚

🌱 At EVCF, we’re dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in our valley through grants, community programs, and partnerships that uplift local residents. Small businesses are at the heart of our efforts— they not only provide jobs and local services but are also some of our most generous partners when it comes to supporting the causes that matter most.

🔄 When you shop small this Saturday, you're doing more than just buying gifts. You're fueling a cycle of community support. Whether it's through donations, hosting events, or giving back through local initiatives, small businesses make a tangible difference in helping nonprofits like EVCF thrive.

🙌 Together, we can create a stronger, more connected community. Let’s show up for the businesses that show up for us, and continue to build a brighter future for everyone.

👉 Shop small. Support local. Strengthen community. 💪

#SmallBusinessSaturday #SupportLocal #EVCF #StrongerTogether #giveback 

🛍️🛒💖 ¡Este Small Business Saturday, celebremos algo más que las tiendas y servicios locales que hacen única a nuestra comunidad—reconozcamos también el increíble impacto que tienen en el trabajo de organizaciones sin fines de lucro como la nuestra! 💚

🌱 En EVCF, nos dedicamos a mejorar la calidad de vida en nuestro valle a través de subvenciones, programas comunitarios y asociaciones que apoyan a los residentes locales. Los pequeños negocios son el corazón de nuestros esfuerzos— no solo ofrecen empleos y servicios locales, sino que también son algunos de nuestros socios más generosos cuando se trata de apoyar las causas que más importan.
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