We know that to improve wellness, we need to bring resources to where people need us most.
MIRA – Mobile Intercultural Resource Alliance
MIRA delivers resources and services directly to neighborhoods, community sites and workplaces throughout Eagle County.
Launched in August 2018, the MIRA bus (Mobile Intercultural Resource Alliance/Alianza Móvil de Recursos Interculturales) is a mobile clearinghouse for essential services in Eagle County. In Spanish, “MIRA” means “look” or “vision,” and it embodies the mission of bringing vital resources directly to the neighborhoods that need them most. Far more than just an RV, MIRA serves as a trusted community resource, delivering health education, support, and events that are tailored to the unique needs of the county’s residents.
MIRA operates on the principle of meeting people where they are—both physically and culturally. It creates trust within the community by listening to concerns, responding to needs, and providing culturally relevant services. From health education and screenings to public assistance application support, immunizations, food resources, perinatal resources, and early-childhood education coordination, MIRA offers comprehensive, no-cost services to some of Eagle County’s most vulnerable populations.
The strong community trust that MIRA has built through its consistent presence and responsive approach has reshaped the health and wellness landscape in Eagle County. By continuing to bring resources and health education directly to our neighbors, MIRA is not only improving access to care but also transforming health outcomes across the region.
MIRA’s resources and services are provided by a wide variety of local community organizations to achieve these goals:
- Strengthening families focusing on strengths and aspirations by encouraging active participation and increasing the self-sufficiency of community members.
- Build a sense of belonging in underserved individuals living in Eagle Valley by increasing or improving relationships between community members and community organizations.
- Creating opportunities for community involvement in defining and addressing service needs and facilitating connection with organizations with emphasis in linking people with medical and dental homes.
- Promote cultural and linguistic competence that reflect the community served.
MIRA brings FREE resources and services throughout Eagle County:
- Information/referrals to medical services, behavioral health (adults/children), dental services, early childhood, parenting, and physical activity programs.
- Enrollment to assistance programs: Medicaid, SNAP, The Benefit Recovery Fund, and WIC
- The Community Market: FREE food
Our Partners
The services of MIRA are provided by a wide variety of local community organizations. These partnerships are helping to bring health and wellness resources directly to those in need.
🎄 La Fiesta Anual de Posada de MIRA se llevará a cabo este año en el Mercado Comunitario en Gypsum el lunes 16 de diciembre, de 12 a 4 p.m. ¡Únanse a nuestros increíbles colaboradores para un día de conexión comunitaria❣️
🎄MIRA`s Annual Posada`s Party will be happening again this year The Community Market in Gypsum on Monday, December 16, from 12-4pm. Join our amazing partners a day of community connection❣️

💵 Si eres un trabajador indocumentado en la industria de la hospitalidad, restaurantes, turismo u otros sectores estacionales en Colorado y recientemente perdiste tu trabajo, el #BenefitRecoveryFund está aquí para ayudarte. Si tienes un formulario W-2 o recibos de pago que muestren impuestos retenidos, podrías calificar para recibir hasta $781 por semana en beneficios de desempleo durante 13 semanas. Este fondo está aquí para ayudarte a superar la temporada baja, cubriendo necesidades esenciales como alimentos, vivienda y atención médica.
😎 ¡Es fácil aplicar! Tu información es completamente confidencial, y no se compartirá ningún detalle con las autoridades de inmigración. No dejes que el fin de la temporada turística signifique el fin de tu estabilidad—comienza tu solicitud hoy: www.brf.aidkit.org/apply
📲 No esperes, comienza aquí: Contacta a @MIRA al 970-688-0001 o a resourcebusmira@gmail.com para obtener más información o ayuda con la aplicación.
💵 If you’re an undocumented worker in hospitality, restaurants, tourism, or other seasonal industries in Colorado and recently lost your job, the #BenefitRecoveryFund is here to help. If you have a W-2 or pay stubs showing taxes withheld, you could qualify for up to $781 per week in unemployment benefits for 13 weeks. This fund is here to help you make it through the off-season, covering essential needs like food, housing, and healthcare.
😎 It’s easy to apply! Your information is completely confidential, and no details will be shared with immigration authorities. Don’t let the end of tourist season mean the end of your stability.
📲 Don’t wait, start here: contact MIRA at MIRA Bus - Camión MIRA or @mirabus1 or @resourcebusmira@gmail.com or 978-688-0001.
#BRF #MIRA #benefitrecoveryfund

¡HOY, AHORA MISMO!!! Únete a EVCF, TCM y MIRA para All The Good Stuff en apoyo a la celebración del Sábado de Negocios Pequeños y da inicio a la temporada navideña con compras locales, diversión comunitaria y ¡alegría festiva!
📅 Cuándo: Sábado, 30 de noviembre, 10am-3pm
📍 Dónde: All The Good Stuff & Berit Books
57 Edwards Access Rd, Edwards, CO
🎅 Fotos con Santa
🚒 Diversión con camión de bomberos
🎨 Pintura facial y actividades para niños
🥤 Chocolate caliente, golosinas navideñas y food trucks
🎁 Colecta de juguetes y alimentos para
¡No podemos esperar para celebrar contigo—nos vemos allí! 💛
#SábadoDeNegociosPequeños #CompraLocal #AlegríaNavideña #AmorComunitario @tcmthecommunitymarket @allthegoodstuff.vailvalley @eaglevalleycf