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Our monthly e-newsletter is full of information you can use. Check back soon for new updates.

July 2024 Newsletter- Sunshine and Good News: Your July Eagle Valley Community Foundation Update

June 2024 Newsletter- Kick Off Summer with Impact: June News & Events

May 2024 Newsletter- Making a Difference Together: Your Impact This May

April 2024 Newsletter- Springing into Action: April Updates from Eagle Valley Community Foundation!

March 2024 Newsletter- Marching Onward: Discover What’s in Store!

February 2024 Newsletter- For The Love of Community: EVCF February Newsletter

January 2024 Newsletter- Winter Waves of Gratitude: EVCF January Newsletter

December 2023 Newsletter- Celebrating a Year of Impact: December Highlights from EVCF

November 2023 Newsletter- November Gratitude: Celebrating Impact and Giving Thanks

October 2023 Newsletter – Falling Leaves, Rising Impact: Our October Newsletter

September 2023 Newsletter- Fall into September with Exciting Updates and Events!

August 2023 Newsletter- Your Impact Inside- Check out our August Newsletter

July 2023 Newsletter- Hello, Sunshine Check out the Latest EVCF News

June 2023 Newsletter – Spring into Summer

May 2023 Newsletter – Women’s Lunch, Mental Health Wellness, Elevar and More

April 2023 Newsletter – Celebrating Environmental Sustainability, Volunteer Appreciation, and Month of the Young Child

March 2023 Newsletter – Honor Women’s History Month with the Eagle Valley Community Foundation

February 2023 Newsletter – Join us in LOVE for our community

January 2023 Newsletter – Check out what’s FRESH at EVCF 

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