Bill Simon
Bill and Beth’s primary residence is in Paoli PA. Colorado home is at Redsky Ranch in Wolcott. All three of their children are in their 20’s. Bill’s career was in the financial services industry with the majority of it spent with the American Funds as Senior VP of sales and distribution. In 2011 Bill joined Brinker Capital where he ran sales and distribution before retiring in 2016. Bill currently has an LLC, Larkspur Partners that is focused on real-estate development in the Philadelphia region. Bill is on the Boards of Cornerstone Christian Academy, a school based in south west Philadelphia serving “at risk” kids from K-8, the Younglife Liberty Region and Waynesborough Country Club. Bill graduated with a degree in Economics from the University of Pittsburgh in 1981. Beth went to Dennison University and received her degree in Psychology. They met at Van Kampen Merritt, an investment management firm in Philadelphia and will celebrate their 30th anniversary this July. Beth is also active in Younglife and has been a mentor for their program working with teen mothers in urban areas. They spend about 5-6 months a year in the Vail Valley.