2024 MIRA Día De Los Niños Event
During April, Eagle Valley Community Foundation and its programs MIRA and The Community Market are excited to celebrate Month of the Young Child! Month of the Young Child (MOYC) focuses public attention on the needs of young children and their families and recognizes the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. We are honored to serve our community’s youngest citizens through our various programs, The Community Market and The MIRA Bus, as well as meaningful partnerships with other community organizations serving youth children.
A child’s chance for a bright tomorrow starts with getting enough food to eat today. Kids who don’t get enough to eat — especially during their first three years — begin life at a serious disadvantage. Children facing hunger are more likely to be hospitalized and they face higher risks of health conditions like anemia and asthma. And as they grow up, kids who miss meals are more likely to have problems in school and other social situations. The Community Market has 2 locations in Edwards and Gypsum, available to families and their children, as well as locations and support programs at various schools throughout the community including the Family Learning Center and Edwards Early Learning Center.
To grow and develop optimally, children need to receive nurturing care. This means that they enjoy adequate nutrition and good health, feel safe and secure, and have opportunities for learning starting from birth. Breastfeeding, immunization, and timely care during illness all contribute to a child’s healthy growth and development. Clean air, water and sanitation, and safe places for play and recreation are likewise important for young children to explore and learn. MIRA is excited to celebrate its efforts for childhood wellness and our child serving partners through our Dia De Los Ninos and other efforts.
As part of this awareness effort, the MIRA bus is hosting a celebrations for El Día del Niño or Children’s Day, a national celebration of children and childhood.
Fun activities for kids like:
- Obstacle Course
- Potato Sack Races
- Musical Chairs
- Broken Telephone
- Tug of War
- Piñatas
- Loteria
- & More!
Food and beverages will also be provided
Partners Include: The Community Market, Eagle Valley Library District, Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement, Eagle County Early Head Start, and Colorado Department of Early Childhood.