Giving Circles for collective impact.
Giving Circles
Multi-year donors and partners ensure that Eagle Valley Community Foundation can respond to the greatest and most emergent needs of our community members and that we can continue to be innovative in how we address problems throughout the Eagle River Valley.
Multi-year donors join EVCF in our value of financial sustainability by making a commitment for three or more years, provide a combination of cash and budget-relieving in-kind services and professional expertise, or give extraordinary and sustained volunteer time in programs.
As part of our community of sustaining donors, we will share invitations to special gatherings, provide important organizational updates, and extend opportunities to experience first-hand the impact of your support through program tours and volunteer experiences.
Donors will be recognized in annual reports, on the web-site, and in other publications during the time they are active multi-year donors. Donors who continue to renew their support as will be specially noted within publications. We ask that all donors complete the signed pledge form so we can accurately predict cash flow. Payment can be made via check, stock transfer, online, or through monthly donations. To learn more about becoming a Sustaining Family or Partner, contact Director of Development and Marketing, Grace Anshutz at grace@eaglevalleycf.org or 515.537.0551.

EVCF Major Donors
Alpine Bank
Ron Alvarez and Ruth Walker
Margo and George Andrews
Christine and John Bakalar
Beck Building Company, Inc.
Kimberly and David Bernstein
Cynthia G Biondi
BuildStrong Education Foundation- Carmel Classic- Brenda and Joe Adeeb
Nancy and Gary Chartrand
Ulrika and Joel Citron
Kathy Clayborne and Tom Shoup
Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Trust
John and Elisabeth Cochran
Amy and Steve Coyer
Curran Group
Ron Davis
David and Tracie Deason
Leo and Nancy Denault
Eagle County Government
Jane and Reed Eberly
Tim and Marty Farrell
Kathy and Dave Ferguson
Betsy and Jesse Fink
Megan and Tom Florence
Food Rescue Express
Beverly and Philip Freedman
Freeport Minerals Company
The Frechette Family Foundation
Sue and Dan Godec
Lisa and Bruce Goldman
Cynthia and Dan Helle
Jennifer and Don Holzworth
Lynn and Don Janklow
Jeanne and Harry McQueeney
Ryan and Marianne Kipp
Carla and TK Kortendick
Laine and Merv Lapin
Laura and Jeff Malehorn
Donna and Pat Martin
Jennifer and Philip Maritz
Bart and Katie McCartin
Barbara Miller
Elizabeth and Steven Miller
Michele Mittelman
Linda and H. Lynn Moore
David and Martha Musto
John and Elizabeth Neal
Sally and Don O’Neal
Keith and Mimi Pockross
Mary and Ron Pressman
RA Nelson
Amy and Jay Regan
Lindsay and Art Reimers
Eric and Andy Reinhard
Rocky Mountain Health Foundation
Claire Rogers
June and Paul Rossetti
Sue and Mike Rushmore
Carol and Kevin Ryan
Laurie G. Schoen
Schwartz Family in memory of Vicki Schwartz
Wendy and Tim Shannon
Carol and Kevin H. Sharer
Beth and Bill Simon
Beth and Rod Slifer
Marcy and Gerry Specter
Mark and Deb Spiers
Dave and JoEllyn Slott
Julie and Hugh Sullivan
Heather and Brian Summers
Nancy and Jon Tellor
Vail Health
Vail Resorts Epic Promise
David and Irene Waddill
Bob and Jill Warner
Julia Watson
Kenneth and Shelly Weisbacher
John Wilcox and Jann Ozzello
William G. McGowan Charitable Fund
Vail Daily- Mark and Lynn Wurzer
Sheryl and Joe Zimmel
Mike and Lorrie Zupon
Women’s Giving Circle
The Women’s Giving Circle will be made up of a group of women who believe in collective giving to strengthen our community. We welcome all women and non-binary people – as the membership grows, so does our ability to positively impact our community. Every member has the opportunity to learn about community needs, hear how Eagle Valley Community Foundation is addressing those needs, and make decisions on how to give collective funds for maximum community impact. Our voices, too often muted in traditional philanthropy, are amplified by working together, so we can invest collective dollars for change.
- The Women’s Giving Circle will convene three times annually:
- Social Gathering with Organizational Overview from Melina and key staff
- State of the Organization and Funding Opportunities Presentations: EVCF staff will present three to four funding options for the Women’s Giving Circle to consider funding that align with organizational needs.
- Women’s Giving Circle will convene to make collective determination on funding decision(s).
- The Women’s Giving Circle Program will have the opportunity to join for Site Visits and Volunteer Opportunities throughout the year:
- Community tour to see programs and understand community needs.
- Volunteer day at The Community Market.
- Community outreach project to support MIRA
- Opportunity to volunteer to support a special or new project (Red Canyon Teen Parent Program, filling snack backpacks for students, helping at the wellness resource fair, etc.)
- Because a women’s giving circle leverages the limited resources of individuals for greater impact, while at the same time encouraging inclusive philanthropy, participants are asked to commit to the following:
- Participants are asked to give what they can through a monthly, quarterly or annual gift. Gifts of as little as $20 per month qualify for participation in the Women’s Giving Circle.
- Gifts may be made in honor or memory of a loved one or sponsor another woman’s participation.
- Giving Circle gift allocations: 70% of each donation be placed in the grantmaking fund; 20% placed into a reserve fund (or endowment fund in the future to ensure the future of the organization); 10% to support administration of the Women’s Giving Circle.
Sustaining Donors
- When you make a gift of $1,000 or more annually to Eagle Valley Community Foundation, you join a special community of donors. Donor Recognition at this level includes printed name by gift level in the annual Impact Report (as well as online impact report).
Grassroots Donors
- Your gift of any level makes a direct impact on community members in need!

For more information, please contact Director of Development & Marketing, Grace Anshutz.

For more information, please contact Annual Giving Manager,
Alex Kandalaft.