Melina Valescia
With broad experience in community organizing, advocacy and strengthening leadership of the Latinx community, Melina has a vision to build an inclusive community where the Latinx population in Eagle County is empowered as leaders and where economic opportunity, innovation, and the ability to thrive within Eagle County can be attained by ALL community members.
Prior to accepting the leadership role as the ED with EVCF, Melina led a collaborative effort for Eagle Valley Community Foundation to initiate MIRA, the Mobile Intercultural Resource Alliance.
Melina grew up in a small rural community in Argentina and her parents taught her by example, in their everyday behaviors, to choose fairness and equality. At age 17, Melina won an award to participate in an international training addressing nutritional education. While working her way through school in Argentina, Melina’s dedication to addressing discrimination was fostered. Melina taught health and nutrition in Argentina and Paraguay to indigenous peoples and migrants.
Melina’s leadership journey is just beginning and her desires and vision to impact systemic change and break down barriers and systems of oppression, racism and inequity are taking root throughout the Eagle River Valley.
Melina is also the mother of two young children and is a mentor to young Latinx women and girls who aspire to follow in her footsteps and be changemakers within their communities as well.