We are powered by people just like you.
Our volunteers make it possible for us to feed more than 6,000 people throughout the Eagle River Valley each week. And that’s just the beginning.
The most inspiring thing about the work we do is watching neighbors helping neighbors. As volunteers give of their time and talents to offer a hand-up to others living or working in the Eagle Valley, we see our community coming together in ways big and small, being inclusive and welcoming, and striving to create opportunities for all. Our volunteers tell us that they get as much out of the experience as the people they are helping, creating a full circle of kindness and appreciation.
For many, our picturesque county is also a picture of soaring costs and the inability to make ends meet. Many in our community rely on our programs to help fill the gaps in their lives when they need it most.
Daily Volunteer
- Sorting and packing food donations at both The Community Market Location
- Welcoming and supporting customers as they visit The Community Market
- Supporting administrative tasks for MIRA and Eagle Valley Community Foundation
Food REscue & REcover Sustainability Opportunities
- At EVCF, we exist to bridge the gap between good food that goes to waste and our neighbors experiencing food insecurity
- Volunteers can assist in collecting food donations from local grocers, restaurants and partners through our rescue program
- Once food is no longer fresh, it is composted at The Community Market
Group Volunteer Opportunities
- Group volunteer experiences offer a phenomenal way to build camaraderie between peers, colleagues, neighbors, and friends
- Create a meaningful and educational volunteer experience for your group.
Email us to get started.
Upcoming Opportunities
Volunteers can view available shifts at Gypsum or Edwards locations, and sign-up directly in the volunteer portal below.
For more information about volunteering or group volunteers, please contact Cooper Moore, Volunteer Supervisor, The Community Market , Cooper@eaglevalleycf.org or 970-306-7194.