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by evcfadmin Jan 11, 2024

Enfoque educativo mensual - Eficiencia energética En colaboración con Walking Mountains

Al embarcarnos en un nuevo año, nos complace presentar una iniciativa educativa mensual cuyo objetivo es capacitar y enriquecer a nuestra comunidad. En enero nos centramos en un tema de gran importancia no sólo para el medio ambiente, sino también ...
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by evcfadmin Jan 11, 2024

Monthly Education Focus- Energy Efficiency In Partnership With Walking Mountains

As we embark on a new year, we are excited to introduce a monthly educational initiative that aims to empower and enrich our community. Our focus for January is on a topic that holds great significance not only for the ...
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by evcfadmin Jan 11, 2024

Evento Posadas: Un día de espíritu festivo y conexiones significativas

La Celebración de Posadas MIRA celebrada en The Community Market en Gypsum fue un evento festivo que trajo alegría a las familias necesitadas de nuestra comunidad. Se invitó a los miembros de la comunidad a que vinieran a elegir regalos ...
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by evcfadmin Jan 11, 2024

Posadas Event: A Day of Holiday Spirit and Meaningful Connections 

The MIRA Posadas Celebration held at The Community Market in Gypsum was a festive event bringing joy to families in need within our community. Community members were invited to come pick out gifts for their families and warm blankets for the winter ...
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by evcfadmin Jan 11, 2024

Voluntaria del mes- Betsy McGuire

Con espíritu de gratitud y aprecio a la comunidad, estamos encantados de destacar a nuestra excepcional Voluntaria del Mes de enero: Betsy McGuire. Betsy, junto con su marido Larry, ha sido una parte inestimable de la familia de The Community ...
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by evcfadmin Jan 11, 2024

Volunteer of the Month- Betsy McGuire

In the spirit of gratitude and community appreciation, we are thrilled to shine the spotlight on our exceptional Volunteer of the Month for January: Betsy McGuire! Betsy, along with her husband Larry, has been an invaluable part of The Community ...
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